For a prospect anticipated for almost 20 years, the announcement in a Guardian exclusive of the successful birth of one or more babies from one or other technique of what is usually termed mitochondrial donation therapy (MDT) had a more muted reception the following day […]

Mitochondrial Donation Down Under
‘Maeve’s Law has just passed the Senate 37-17 and will now become law. It is globally leading mitochondrial legislation to give hope to families across Australia’ tweeted Greg Hunt, an Australian MP on March 30th 2022. He was one of the prime movers behind the […]

Brilliant Resources to help Christians engage with the General Election on 8 June
On 8 June the UK goes to the polls for the general election. Whoever assumes power will have a profound influence in shaping public policy in matters which affect us, our families, churches, patients and colleagues. Some claim that politics and religion should not mix […]

Beginning of Life issues in 2017: what will we be talking about this year?
2017 will be another busy and challenging year on beginning of life issues Abortion October 2017 marks the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act. Throughout the year this significant anniversary will generate media publicity, events, stories from women and will fire up campaigns by […]

Young women are unknowingly putting their health at risk for £500
Journalists and commentators covering the ‘three parent’ embryos news consistently fail to consider, let alone ask the scientists about, an important ethical and safety question of direct relevance to women. There are plenty of questions asked about whether the new research will be safe for […]