As a Christian nurse, I am intrigued to see how God might use the recently elected Government to help heal the UK’s National Health Services (NHS). As Christian healthcare professionals, we need to avoid getting sucked into negative talk in our places of work, such […]
Recent blog posts written by Guest

Assisted suicide: am I my neighbour’s keeper?
This week the Isle of Man’s lower house voted through the third reading of their Assisted Dying Bill. The bill, at its core, says that ‘a person who is terminally ill may request and lawfully be provided with assistance to end their own life.’ And […]

Anticipating the Cass Review? A personal historical reflection
In light of the recently published Cass Review, guest blogger, Don Horrocks (Retired Head of Public Affairs at the Evangelical Alliance), offers us a personal, historical reflection on the last 26 years of involvement in the legal landscape surrounding transgenderism. It seems only yesterday, but […]

McArthur ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill announced
On 29 March 2024, Liam McArthur, MSP, announced his ‘Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill’ to the Scottish Parliament. This will now be debated and scrutinised by the Parliament. If passed, it would mean the legalisation of doctor-assisted suicide for those with an […]

Midwifery in the headlines
Midwifery was in the news for all the wrong reasons at the end of last year. As a midwife of ten years, I was heartbroken to read headlines from The Times that said: ‘Midwives “toxic” working conditions putting babies’ lives at risk, report finds‘ and […]