The Royal College of Physicians (RCP), together with the General Medical Council (GMC), have just released a new resource; the Ethical Care Decision-Making Record (ECDMR), which aims ‘to help clinicians, patients and their families or carers make decisions together about the levels of care that […]

Scottish Government muddles sex and gender – and plans to legalise the confusion
The Scottish Government is consulting on a plan to make the existing process to obtain legal recognition under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 a better service for those trans and non-binary people in Scotland who wish to use it. Under the law, as it stands, […]

Healthcare apps: helpful or harmful?
From finding a carpark to counting our calories, apps now cover virtually every area of our lives, including in healthcare. A 2011 General Medical Council survey showed 30% of doctors use a smartphone for medical apps. This will have increased significantly in the last five […]

At least 67 doctors have clearly broken the abortion law but not one has been prosecuted
The General Medical Council has admitted in a Freedom of Information release that 67 doctors are known to have illegally pre-signed abortion forms and yet not one has been referred to a public hearing by a Fitness to Practise Panel, not one has been referred […]