As this is the last blog that I will write for CMF, I thought I’d write it on a topic that I believe is hugely important and highly controversial but one where findings are hidden and suppressed. Patrick Carrol, in an article in the Journal […]

UK Government using ‘strategies of concealment’ to hide its imposition of abortion on developing countries
The UK Government assures us (taxpayers) that any public money given for abortion in developing countries is used in accordance with the receiving nation’s legislation. In a Parliamentary answer the Minister of State for International Development clearly stated that: ‘UK aid cannot be used to […]

Surrogacy: Isn’t there a better way?
A major consultation on surrogacy is proposing significant – and concerning – changes to the law and regulation of surrogacy arrangements in the UK. Back in 2017, the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission were asked to conduct a review […]

Abortion pill reversal: a chance for a change of mind
How many of us have ever made a really big decision in life and then changed our mind? I suspect quite a few of us. And if there was any ambivalence in the initial decision, then a subsequent change of mind is even more possible. […]

Surrogacy: asking the questions no-one wants to ask (or answer)
In June, the Law Commission published a consultation document on surrogacy, which is still open for submissions. The premise of the consultation – and indeed of the Government – is that surrogacy is a positive, family-building, option but the current law is too restrictive and needs to […]