The English and Welsh consultations into extending the provision for early medical abortion (EMA) to take place at home beyond the coronavirus crisis are both underway. They close on 26 February and 23 February respectively. These don’t differ significantly from the Scottish consultation, which closed […]
The violence of abortion and the domestic abuse bill
It was 1998. I was a young medical intern working in a small hospital in an Indian village. I had looked forward to being posted there as it was meant to be a ‘rest period’ after many sleepless months of working in surgery and hospital […]
Bad news for the unborn
The latest figures from the ONS reveal that by the beginning of June, 47,820 people in England and Wales had died as a result of contracting COVID-19. Half a million had died worldwide. Yet there is a greater killer at large, one whose death toll, […]
Coronavirus emergency measures remove safeguards around ‘home abortions’
Under the guise of the coronavirus lockdown, abortion campaigners have taken the opportunity to lobby the UK Government to substantially change the rules around abortion pills, something they have wanted to do for years, as this blog explains. This week, they have been successful in their […]
‘I don’t want a baby like that’
The Sunday Times this weekend reported that ‘the number of babies born with Down’s syndrome has fallen by 30% in NHS hospitals that have introduced a new form of screening.’ This new test, NIPT (non- invasive prenatal testing), is safer than amniocentesis, but Down syndrome […]