I have been working as a midwife for a few years now. As a believer, I am constantly fascinated by God’s design and wisdom and have been from day one of my training. Sometimes it appears to me as a midwife that in the last […]

Conscientious objection ‘may become indefensible’ according to new WHO guidance
The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its Abortion Care Guidance recently, ostensibly ‘in a bid to protect the health of women and girls and help prevent over 25 million unsafe abortions that currently occur each year’. The implication throughout the guidance is that unsafe […]

I was a foreigner, and you did not welcome me in: the challenge of the Nationality and Borders Bill
Parinaz is a journalist from Iran who came to the UK seeking asylum over eight years ago. Despite the services of a caring solicitor, her claim has been refused many times. To add to her despair, she discovered a breast lump earlier this year. Imagine […]

We take delight in honouring each other: A response to the vaccine mandate
Yesterday we learned that the Secretary of State for Health has agreed to reverse the UK government’s policy on Covid vaccine mandates after a brief consultation on the issue. At the time of writing, by 1 April 2022, all NHS staff in England would have […]