Last month, David Morgan, a psychoanalyst, and Dr David Bell, a consultant psychiatrist, organised an online conference with around 500 attendees. Recently retired from the Tavistock Clinic, Bell was a staff governor and wrote a report on their Gender Identity Disorder Service (GIDS) in 2018 […]

Open letter to the BBC regarding inaccurate and unethical reporting on Bell vs. Tavistock
This letter originally signed by 15 doctors (including myself) and psychologists was sent to the Director General of the BBC just before Christmas. The letter has been made public although not all original signatories were able to make their names public for fear of reprisal. […]

Court rules that puberty blockers are ‘experimental treatment’
A judgement handed down from the High Court yesterday (1 December 2020) ruled that puberty blockers (PBs) and cross-sex hormones (CSH) are ‘innovative and experimental’ treatments and that it is unlikely that children and young people will be able to give informed consent to the […]

The NHS quietly changes its transgender guidance
Last week in The Spectator, James Kirkup revealed that the NHS had amended its transgender guidance for children. It is unclear whether or not this is directly related to the legal challenges currently being mounted by children, parents and young adults who say that transitioning […]

Transgender on trial
In March this year judges gave permission for Keira Bell, Susan Evans and a woman known as ‘Mrs A’ to bring a case against the Gender identity development services (GIDS) clinic at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. Bell is a former patient of the […]