You may be aware of current controversies around the issue of so-called ‘conversion therapy’. But you may be wondering what it’s all about and whether we need to worry about it as Christians and/or medics. This is a debate that, like so many current issues, […]

New website launched to help Christians experiencing same-sex attraction
A new website, containing articles, videos and personal stories has been launched to help Christians experiencing same-sex attraction. Living Out is a brilliant initiative by men in pastoral ministry who admit to feelings of same sex attraction but who also see the Bible’s prohibitions on same-sex relationships as […]

Radio Four debate on ‘change therapies’ for unwanted same-sex attraction
This morning I took part in a short documentary on the Radio Four Sunday programme on ‘change therapies’ for those with unwanted feelings of same sex attraction. The presenter was Ed Stourton (pictured). ‘Change therapy’ (more accurately SOCEs – sexual orientation change efforts) is aimed […]

BBC article on ‘gay therapies’ is simplistic, misleading and ignores much of the available evidence
Should people with unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction seek professional help? And if so what kind of help and what expectations should they realistically have? BBC Religion and Ethics have today published an article on this extremely controversial subject titled ‘Ex-gay survivor’s tales of exorcism […]

Same-sex parenting: controversies with the latest research
A major new study on same sex parenting has generated a great deal of online debate, particularly in the US where it was carried out, but it has also spilled over to the UK. Some of the headlines suggest that this new research ‘proves’ that […]