Having reasonable freedom to act in accordance with our conscience is something that Christian healthcarers rightly value. A number of recent events and reviews over the last year or so highlight some of the perennial vulnerabilities of conscience provision but also some reasons for hope […]

Conscientious objection ‘may become indefensible’ according to new WHO guidance
The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its Abortion Care Guidance recently, ostensibly ‘in a bid to protect the health of women and girls and help prevent over 25 million unsafe abortions that currently occur each year’. The implication throughout the guidance is that unsafe […]

The headline figures don’t tell the whole story in the BMA assisted suicide poll
While there have been what seems like an unending succession of polls of British doctors about euthanasia and assisted suicide, that run by the British Medical Association (BMA) early in 2020 can lay claim to being one of the most thorough and significant. With over […]

Denying conscience – the Canadian experiment
Recent reports from Canada reveal a worrying trend of doctors being pressurised and bullied into participating in Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD, the Canadian euthanasia programme). This is not only a worrying development in itself but one that follows almost inevitably from the steady erosion […]