As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues with no apparent end in sight to the death toll and disruption to our lives, scientists are desperately seeking a means to end the crisis. Perhaps our biggest hope is a successful vaccine. The Pfizer BioNTech and the Moderna candidates […]

The COVID vaccine: Christians in crisis or clear conscience?
The coronavirus pandemic has brought challenges and opportunities to all fields of healthcare, whether that be how GP surgeries operate, how hospital beds are allocated or how pioneering research for treatments is conducted. Alongside these changes, many ethical dilemmas have emerged over the past year. […]

God, ethics and COVID-19
‘Oh – and by the way, I’ve recommended you for chairing the Covid Ethics Committee. Hope that’s OK.’ Really? Me? Why? God – Help! I had known, of course, that there was a plan to put together an Ethics Committee. It was necessary. With COVID-19 […]

A Christian framework for medical ethical decision-making
How should Christians make ethical decisions? Should we use secular decision-making systems that are deontological (rule-based) or consequentialist (outcome based)? Or can we derive an ethical framework from the Bible? Christians are called to imitate God (Ephesians 5:2), imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1) and to […]

Gene Drives: the ethics of destroying a species to save human lives
If one had the power to save millions of human lives by exterminating a whole species, could we and should we do so? Ethical questions like this have been around in one form or another in text books, seminar halls and popular science fiction shows […]