The media has a tendency to focus on the negatives of profound disability by giving a hugely disproportionate level of coverage to disabled people who wish to end their lives and very little to the majority who actually value their lives. I try to highlight […]

Most people with locked-in syndrome do not wish to die
Tony Nicklinson is 58 and paralysed from the neck down after suffering a stroke in 2005. He is seeking legal permission for a doctor actively to end his life. A Channel 4 Dispatches programme tonight,’Let our dad die’, put Tony’s case with powerful emotion but […]

Locked-in syndrome case seeks to establish dangerous precedent
A case of ‘locked-in syndrome’ that is appearing before the courts goes even beyond assisted suicide and seeks to introduce euthanasia through the back door. Tony Nicklinson is 58 and paralysed from the neck down after suffering a stroke in 2005. He is seeking legal […]

Triumph over adversity: Why can’t we have more media stories like this?
There was a brilliant piece in the Independent yesterday, about a British DJ with locked-in syndrome, which deserves far wider circulation. ‘Locked in, but still lost in music: UK’s bravest DJ’ tells the story of Bram Harrison, 34, who suffered brain damage two weeks before […]

Case of man with ‘locked-in syndrome’ may arouse emotions but the law does not need changing
The BBC, Daily Telegraph and most newspapers report today on the case of a 46-year-old man with ‘locked in syndrome’ who is to ask the High Court for permission to allow doctors to help him end his own life. As the Telegraph reports: ‘The man, […]