Men and women will be able to change their gender without a doctor’s report and amend their birth certificate accordingly under new government proposals. Yesterday Justine Greening (pictured), the education secretary and minister for women and equalities, said (£): ‘What we want to try to do is […]
Justine Greening’s transgender proposals are unscientific, dangerous & part of a greater social strategy
Why Boots chemist should not have capitulated to pressure from BPAS over emergency contraception
Over the weekend I waded into the debate on whether Boots should reduce the price of the so-called ‘morning-after pill’ and criticised the high street chemist for ‘capitulating in the face of political pressure’. Let me explain why. Boots had originally defied calls to slash the price of […]
Let’s not go back to Gin Lane – once again it’s time for government to rethink alcohol policy
‘History repeats itself. Has to. No-one listens’ Steve Turner It feels like déjà vu to once again see the headlines calling on the government to tackle alcohol related health problems. A study from the University of Sheffield shows that up to 68,000 people will die from […]
Troubled times: Is God giving Britain over?
The rollercoaster journey of the last twelve months has left many UK citizens feeling dislocated and anxious about the future of our country. Political events – Brexit, Trump, a snap general election, a hung parliament, confidence and supply arrangements and the Queen’s speech – have […]
Could life issues be a vote decider?
Who to vote for? It is a rare to find one party or one candidate that you think has all the ‘right’ views. Most of us will have to decide what is important to us – sometimes it will be the party, sometimes the candidate […]