Many people assume that women considering abortion have access to independent information and advice. In fact there is no legal guarantee that they do. Where counselling is available, it is often given by the very same private providers that carry out abortions and gain financially from […]
Recent blog posts written by Philippa Taylor

Commercials of convenience – plans to advertise abortion on TV and radio contested
HG Wells once said that ‘advertising is legalised lying’. He would not have been thinking of TV adverts that promote the abortion industry when he said that, but I believe the same sentiment applies. Adverts on TV and radio that promote abortion sell it as […]

What is the true cost of IVF?
For most people thinking about having IVF, the answer will be thousands of pounds. Some may also consider the cost to their physical health, the stress put on relationships caused by taking heavy doses of powerful hormonal drugs or the emotional roller-coaster of rising […]

155 animal-human embryos created in the UK – we think
An apparently straightforward question to government last week (20 July) generated an apparently straightforward reply. Lord Alton asked how many ‘cybrid’ embryos (cytoplasmic animal-human hybrid) have been generated with eggs from non-human species in total. The reply was: ‘The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) […]

Medical Students Back Abortion Conscience Rights
“…this is a profession to be proud of” says Anne Furedi, Chief Executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, referring, in some desperation it would seem, to abortion provision. However a new survey published this week in the Journal of Medical Ethics shows that large […]