Should pharmacists be forced to dispense drugs for what they consider to be unethical practices – like emergency contraception, gender reassignment, abortion and assisted suicide? Or should they have the right to exercise freedom of conscience by either referring to a colleague or opting out? […]
Tag Archives: ethics

Regulator’s proposal to remove pharmacists’ conscience rights is unethical, unnecessary and quite possibly illegal

New journal on ethics of human biotechnology offers free access to online content
In August I highlighted the launch of a new journal, The New Bioethics, which focuses specifically on the interface of technology and the human body. The first edition contained nine articles, two of which, the editorial by Trevor Stammers and Matt James, and a guest editorial by Aaron Parkhurst, are available free on line. […]

Seven reasons to be wary of British scientists’ call for expert body to advise on animal-human hybrids
British scientists have said today that a new expert body should be formed to regulate experiments mixing animal and human DNA to make sure no medical or ethical boundaries are crossed. In a new report scientists at the Academy of Medical Sciences are claiming that […]