Tag Archives: Down’s syndrome

Parents should be informed about the impact of Down’s Syndrome on families

The recent debate on abortion for anencephaly in Northern Ireland has reopened the wider debate on abortion for fetal disability. It is worth, in this context, remaking the point that the most common disability for which babies are aborted in the UK is not anencephaly […]

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Screening for Down’s syndrome – the real costs

In 1992 it was predicted that no more than 60% of all women would take up antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome and, with more older mothers giving birth, an increase in the number of affected births was predicted. How wrong this prediction was. It underestimated […]

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Ile płacimy za aborcje dzieci z downem (Screening for Down’s syndrome – the real costs. Polish language version)

Prognozy sprzed lat nie uwzględniły skut- ków coraz większej miarodajności badań przesiewowych. O ile słusznie przewidzia- no wzrost liczby matek w średnim wieku, o tyle już założenie, iż liczba dzieci narodzonych z zespołem Downa wzrośnie, okazało się błędne. Wysoko zaawansowana diagnostyka umożliwiają- ca już na […]

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