The Department of Health today has published for consultation draft regulations to allow mitochondrial donation to prevent the transmission of serious mitochondrial disease from mother to child. The consultation will close on 21 May. This new government consultation is not asking whether but how these […]

BMA strike ballot – how should Christian doctors respond?
Today the BMA has begun to ballot members on whether to take industrial action over government pension plans. The ballot runs from 15 to 29 May on two questions – firstly whether doctors are prepared to strike, and secondly whether they are prepared to take […]

Gamete donors: compensation or payment?
Over the past few days there has been a spate of articles in the media informing us that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) intends to increase the rates of payments – sorry, ‘compensation’ – given to egg and sperm donors. Despite claims from […]

Time to change the channel – a submission to the government’s suicide prevention consultation
The Department of Health’s Consultation on its draft suicide prevention strategy for England closed yesterday (11 October). Over the past 10 years, there has been progress in reducing the already relatively low suicide rate in England. However, there were still nearly 4,400 suicides in England in […]