Can the British Medical Association (BMA) be trusted to ‘maintain the honour and interests of the medical profession?’ Or is the BMA another big organisation without full accountability, making recommendations ostensibly on behalf of its members whilst failing to operate democratically? The BMA published its […]

BMA affirms Liverpool Care Pathway
Negative media coverage of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) in recent months has been incredibly unhelpful, spreading fear and confusion amongst patients and relatives. A small number of well-publicised failures to use the tool properly have led to a widespread smearing of its name. Some […]

BMA issues disingenuous statement on pregnancy counselling
Last week there was some media coverage, and plenty of twitter action, on a Parliamentary debate about reducing the upper time limit for legal abortions from 24 weeks to 20 weeks. This resulted in the BMA issuing a disputable press statement ‘clarifying’ its official position […]

Former Lord Chancellor misrepresents BMA position
The Times today carries an article (£) promoting Lord Falconer’s new assisted suicide bill which profoundly misrepresents the British Medical Association’s position on assisted suicide. The Times initially adopted a campaigning stance in support of legalising assisted suicide with an editorial titled ‘Life and […]

Why the BMA should not go neutral on assisted suicide and euthanasia
This Wednesday, 27 June, the British Medical Association Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) will vote on a motion to go neutral on assisted suicide and euthanasia. The BMA, the trade union for doctors, has been opposed to a change in the law for all but one […]