The American College of Paediatricians is a national medical association of licensed physicians and healthcare professionals who specialize in the care of infants, children, and adolescents. The mission of the College is to enable all children to reach their optimal physical and emotional health and […]

Offer of sex change drugs to nine year olds should make us question therapists’ ideological presuppositions
Children as young as nine are to be prescribed drugs which delay the onset of puberty as the first step towards a sex change operation (Mail on Sunday and Daily Telegraph). Doctors at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust said a trial of the […]

Fertility rites and wrongs: New complications with new ‘families’
A case concerning twin girls has come before the Court of Appeal that almost defies imagination in its complexity of relationships. If it weren’t a disturbing harbinger of things to come, it could almost be dismissed as a comedy of errors. The story starts […]

Latest NICE guidance on contraception could harm young people
New guidance from NICE recommends that Government provides free morning after pills, condoms (male and female ones) and other contraceptives, all readily accessible to school girls, including those under the age of consent, without parental knowledge. The guidance says that youngsters should be able to […]

Relationship signposting: another role for GPs?
GPs may soon see their portfolios expanded even further, this time into relationship territory, according to the Daily Telegraph. GPs, midwives and registrars may soon be enlisted to help couples stay together and reduce levels of family breakdown under new government plans. This proposal is […]