In May 2016, Lord Shinkwin, brought his Abortion (Disability Equality) Bill to the House of Lords. Lord Shinkwin, who himself has osteogenesis imperfecta, has been a life peer since 2015 and prior to this spent a number of years in the voluntary sector, working for […]

Social Care Crisis: time for a modern ‘reformation of manners’
It seems that the world has made some broad progress on health in the last fifteen years, according to a new index that The Lancet has published. This SDG Heath Index promises to increase the level of detail and consistency in how data is collected […]

Is Professor Basky Thilaganathan deliberately misleading parliament over the results of NIPT for Down’s syndrome?
Here’s a new story involving disabled people, taxpayers’ money, apparent scientific deception, a biotechnology company looking for profits and the NHS. The NHS is close to introducing a new test for pregnant women that will make it much easier to detect and search out any […]

Mother permitted to give birth to her dead daughter’s child
Following a Court of Appeal battle a 60-year-old woman has been granted permission to take her dead daughter’s frozen eggs to a US fertility treatment clinic, to fertilise them with donor sperm and then (assuming success) to carry the embryos and (she hopes) give birth […]

Halfway Through this Journey: Talking about dying
Benjamin Franklin is widely credited with the pithy aphorism ‘in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.’ After the recent leaks from the Panamanian tax firm Mossack Fonseca we have learnt that the super-rich may be exempt from the […]